Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bread ...again

As a followup to my previous post regarding bread (and beer), this is a perfect example of bread in its best of forms - baked by the hands of my wife.



Cycling is one of my passions. And like most things, many other people share similar passions. The Velominati is a group of people who share the passion for cycling in a very tongue-and-cheek, avant-garde, devil-may-care attitude with a high degree of respect and regard for the sport. According to The Velominati one should Obey The Rules and always ride it like you mean it. I can respect that.



Friday, April 26, 2013

Bread & Beer

Homemade bread is soooo good. Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a fresh loaf of fluffy honey wheat is the best sandwiching you can do. Its a party for the senses.
New Belgium's 1554 beer is also extremely good and one of my favorites. I believe these two would make a great lunch pairing....for weekends of course.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Finn's comment, "I never get a pet." prompted the purchase of two goldfish now named Henry and Fox. Finn loves them ever so much even though he understands their lives are relatively short. Either naturally or by overfeeding...


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Cycle

Got a new bicycle this past weekend - a Trek Madone 5.2. I haven't really seen an increase in speed (maybe by .5 avg mph) but the ride is soo much better than my aluminum frame. Its like riding on a cloud. I'm still working on adjustments and swapping upgraded parts.



Blog is fixed after a botched upgrade attempt several weeks ago. There we are then.
